It’s not very often that you see the words paczek and run together in a sentence.

It only happens one day a year in Hamtramck during the Annual 5K Paczki Run. This year the Paczki Run will take place on Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 a.m.

This is the sixth year that Tour de Troit has put on this fun run through the streets of Hamtramck.

The race starts at 10:00 a.m. on the corner of Joseph Campau Avenue and Hanley Street.

The race is $40 to enter. You can register for it here or on the day of at Better Life Bags.

Proceeds from the Paczki Run will go towards to renovating Hamtramck parks and the Hamtramck DDA with its non-motorized transportation plans.

There will be a party after the race with polka music and dancers.

Area businesses are also getting in on the festivities and will offer runners a “bib discount” on food, drinks, and shopping.

I’m sure that some people feel like running a 5k is the best part of this event, I beg to differ. It’s all about the paczki and beer.

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