Daily Detroit is a daily podcast, newsletter and digital publication sharing what to know and where to go in Metro Detroit.

We provide our listeners and readers the content they love in a way that fits the fast-paced, 21st century lifestyle and they can’t help but share with their friends.

We’re the information source for people:

  • Who want to explore the Detroit region
  • Looking for the newest or under-the-radar find or the under-reported story
  • Interested in interesting things to talk about
  • And for those who care about the city, region, and pushing it forward.

7 Things To Know About Daily Detroit:

  1. We believe in Detroit and working together for a better region by pushing Detroit’s conversation forward
  2. We’re on the ground. From development stories to the best burger in town and everything in between, we’re there. For our lists, we’ve tried all the things. For our reviews, we’ve gone to and tried the place.
  3. We are truly local. No wire copy, Associated Press or forced network content. Metro Detroiters don’t want the McPaper, they want their own voices covering their communities
  4. We are solution-oriented, focused more on policy than politics
  5. We meet our readers where they are – on social media, email and their smartphones
  6. We’re digital natives, and so is most of our audience. We utilize multimedia platforms like video and podcasts that our readers can enjoy anywhere, at any time, using the medium that best tells the story
  7. Our audience is 58 percent female, 42 percent male, and is mostly under the age of 40 (predominantly ages 25-34)

We have opportunities on our podcasts, our email newsletter, our website and to create custom content for your brand directly.

Email us at dailydetroit -at- gmail.com or call us at 313-437-1470 and we’ll get in touch.