This weekend is the annual Palmer Woods Home and Garden Tour. This means you will get two days to walk, bike, or take a shuttle around the 102 year old Detroit neighborhood.

Palmer Woods is mostly known for the Tudor mansions that were built in the early 20th century. However if you have ever been through Palmer Woods you might have noticed the large assortment of mid-century homes.

This neighborhood is anything but cookie cutter, which is probably why I love it so much.

Photo by Ali Lapetina

This year the home tour will focus on five homes that were built in the mid-20th century. Homes that were built in this era are more streamline and less ornate.

If you dig architecture and design elements from the 1950’s and 1960’s this is the tour for you.

Photo by Barbara Barefield

Photo by Barbara Barefield

Tour goers will also be able to explore seven private gardens throughout Palmer Woods.

The tour includes the garden at the Dorothy Turkel House which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The garden was designed by Landscape Architect Richard Hass.

To be clear, the Turkel House itself is not part of the tour this year.

There will be a docent at each home and garden that will be able to tell tour goers the history about the architecture, design, and landscaping.

The Palmer Woods Home and Garden Tour will take place Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Tickets are good for both days, so you can take your time going through all of the homes and gardens.

Tickets for the tour are $25 in advance or $30 the day of. Children 11 and under are free, those 12-18 are $10. If you’re planning on biking tickets are $20.

The check in tent is at 1791 Wellesley. Enter Palmer Woods off of Seven Mile and Strathcona. There will be signs pointing you in the direction of the check in tent.

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