Calling all you board game fanatics.

The Michigan Science Center is partnering with The Loaded Die and The Vault of Midnight to throw the ultimate game night this Thursday.

The monthly MiSci After Dark event has returned for 2018, and this time the theme is game night.

If you have never been to MiSci After Dark you are missing out, it’s the one night a month that the Michigan Science Center is strictly for adults. I’m a huge fan of the Michigan Science Center, it’s a great resource for children of all ages, but sometimes adults like to get their science on too.

There will be plenty of table top board games available to play, but you will also have a chance to play life size games as well.

Are you the beer pong champ of your group friends? Try your hand at life size beer pong.

Or try your hand at life size Battleship, you might become the  Admiral of Battleship.

There will also be special game cocktails like the Tarraforming Martini and the Monopol-tini. Each ticket will receive one drink ticket for a cocktail. There will also be a cash bar.

Tickets for the MiSci After Dark are $15 per person and tickets can be purchased here. If you’re a member there is a discount code in your email for $5 off.

When: Thursday, January 18 from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

Where: The Michigan Science Center 5020 John R Street Detroit, Michigan 48202

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