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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer today released her first proposed budget before a joint meeting of House and Senate appropriations committee members, and she’s targeting investments to three problem areas for Michigan: roads, K-12 schools and contamination threats to drinking water resources.

In a nutshell, the governor proposes to raise gasoline taxes in three installments of 15 cents to an extra 45 cents by October 2020. To pay for it, she’d undo some of the tax reforms championed by Gov. Rick Snyder, her predecessor. It’s a big pill to swallow, but there can be no doubting that Michigan has racked up a massive bill all these years of kicking the can down the road.

On today’s show, we also run down some of her other proposals, including boosting funding for K-12 schools and creating a free community college program for Michigan high-school graduates.

Photo by DrVenkman, Creative Commons/Wikimedia Commons

There’s news about a new demolition contract for Joe Louis Arena, with the wrecking ball arriving this spring. And a new $30 million skilled-trades training center is planned in Detroit.

Jer also gets nerdy about the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservancy, which will be closed until July, maybe even on weekends, due to some major reconstruction work.

And a shout-out to Shelby Township’s Alena D’Amico who has made it on The Voice!

Thanks for listening to Daily Detroit.

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