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Over on Marlborough and Kercheval is an old post office from the 1940s that you might consider an unlikely spot for a Detroit retail and maker success story.

After all, it’s a few blocks from Grosse Pointe and has a giant automotive plant between it and the hip West Village and Indian Village.

But the duo behind Mutual Adoration, Wayne Maki and Clare Fox, are making the 10,000 square foot craft, class, creation and retail space called Post Detroit work.

So I thought it’d be good to check in with them to see what we all could learn from what they’re doing in the Jefferson-Chalmers east side corner of Detroit.

Below is a gallery and they’re having a pretty neat event this weekend.

The Textile Takeover Outdoor Craft Fair that you can check out September 14 and 15.

More than 50 artists and makers will have their artwork and goods on display and for sale in the outdoor art and craft fair.

During the weekend event, attendees can learn about and try out different types of art and craft techniques, such as macramé, natural dying, yarn spinning, knitting, marbling and henna body art. There will be food and beverages, as well as live musical entertainment.

Post is at 14500 Kercheval in Detroit, and is open Wednesday through Saturdays.

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