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Nelson Mandela Tribute At Art In Motion

Nelson Mandela visited Detroit in June of 1990 shortly after leaving prison and before his election as South Africa’s president. His presence impacted our city with such reverence that Detroit renamed Atwater Street to “Nelson Mandela Drive.” This past weekend, I met Ida Hawkins. She’s a New York...

A Day Of Kindness In Detroit On February 17

On Tuesday, February 17th, team members of KIND, the company behind the popular line of health-conscious snacks, will perform 24 random acts of kindness across the Metro Detroit area. They will begin the day at 8 a.m. at the Rosa Parks Transit Station, where they will hand out hats...

Why Google Fiber Should Come to Detroit

Last week there was an announcement that Google Fiber was going to roll out to four new cities. Those are Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville and Raleigh-Durham, all part of an expanding tech corridor in the south. However, very obviously missing from the map is the entire Midwest, including Detroit. With self-described...

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