Michigan is a state with a lot of questions. A lot of questions that we ask Google.

The site Estately.com put together a list of the 50 states and what they Google more than any other state. Although we love our other 49 members and D.C. (well, except Ohio) of our fine union, we’re most interested in what the mitten state looks for more than any of the other states.

This is a definitely a fun list more than scientific. The data was gathered used Google Autocomplete and compiled hundreds of the most common questions Americans type into the Google search bar. They then ran those searches through Google Trends to determine which state queried each of these selected searches the most over the past 12 years.

To be clear, this shows the searches Michiganders Google more frequently than the other 49 states and the District of Columbia. If you are interested in the other states, check it out here.

1. Is Trump Presidential?

Photo Creative Commons via OpenSports.com
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump with former Detroit Piston Dennis Rodman. Photo Creative Commons via OpenSports.com

No comment.

2. What’s The Weather Outside?


They say around these parts that if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes and it will change. That apparently makes for a lot of Googling.

3. Who Is Ron Paul?

Creative Commons photo by BBSRock
Creative Commons photo by BBSRock

He held the title of the nation’s leading elder ranting politician before Bernie Sanders went national after stealing the title in a WWE Championship match. Ok, the wrestling match between Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders didn’t happen. But we kinda wish it did.

4. What Causes Depression


5. Where Is Canada?


It’s right next door – and in fact, from Detroit, it’s actually south of that part of Michigan. Stunning revelation, eh?

6. How Caffeine Is Too Much?

Aloft Detroit Coffee Shop

We ask back, is there such a thing as too much caffeine?

7. Who Is Muhammad?

Photo via Wikipedia. The Islamic Center of America.
Photo via Wikipedia. The Islamic Center of America.

If you didn’t know, the largest concentration in the United States of those from the middle east is in Metro Detroit (403,445). This includes a variety of backgrounds, countries, and religious affiliations.

8. When Is Lent?

Old St. Mary's Church
Old St. Mary’s Church

Lent’s a big, big thing here. A little more than 17% of our population is Catholic.

9. Is Mr. T Dead?


We pity the fool that thinks Mr. T is dead. He, like Chuck Norris, cheats death.

10. How To Be A Good Girlfriend

spread peace and love 2
