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Episode 400! W00t!

On today’s show we do a big roundup of the things happening around town.

Some highlights:

There’s a new Trump Administration program that aims to fight violent crime in the city, called Operation Relentless Pursuit. However, in a city like Detroit, it can bring up memories of STRESS, a terrible time in the city’s early 70s.

Here’s the announcement in Attorney General William Barr’s own words.

Here’s background on STRESS from the Crimetown podcast.

Ooops, they demo’d again. Here’s a piece about a Detroit demo contractor taking down the wrong house again. More on the Freep who broke this story.

The deadline is nigh to get a property tax exemption in the city of Detroit based on poverty. Here’s a link:

Wheelhouse Detroit in Hamtramck is closing. Their riverfront location will remain open. 

Can a foodie destination exist in Novi? Here’s a link to a story about an Asian-themed development, and we discuss the bigger picture.

A Leo’s Coney Island waitress apparently didn’t know she was pregnant until she had the baby at work. Here’s more. And here’s a link to her GoFundMe.

Thrillist named two local places as the tops for Halal eats in the U.S.

That and much more on the show today.

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