On Wednesday, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan delivered his eleventh State of the City address. It was a rapid-fire list of wins, and areas where he wants to focus on the next year.
But what is the state of our city, from a different perspective? What if we take a minute, or an hour in this case, and unpack what's happening in Michigan's largest city with a different lens?
Chase Cantrell - he heads up Building Community Value, lectures at the University of Michigan and is an active developer - brings that lens, and we work through different angles of the topics in the speech.

This is one of the most in-depth analysis you're going to find on the speech, and listen to it in the player below or in your favorite podcast app.
Whether you agree or not we'd love to hear what you have to say.
For feedback, dailydetroit - at - gmail - dot - com or 313-789-3211.
Here's the topic rundown, and an automated show transcript is to come.
01:34 - Public Safety improvements, things that work and things that maybe should get even more money as a percentage of the overall budget.
05:32 - Trauma and black flight from the city. The causes, how to address it, and what's next.
11:06 - Construction costs have skyrocketed, impacting the rebuild of empty land
12:51 - A lack of family homes in Detroit - why? How to address that?
16:12 - Environment and sustainability conversation. Solar panels vs. addressing flooding.
20:43 - Advocating for participatory budgeting
24:55 - Discussing the Detroit Promise scholarship program, and encouraging more awareness of it
29:22 - Affordable housing. We need more! What do we need to get there? And addressing the wealth of the people of Detroit.
32:32 - The underlying challanges and opportunities of wrestling with buses and transit in Detroit.
43:50 - There's going to be a new focus on abandoned vehicles.
50:17 - More of a commitment to black history, including more monuments that reflect the majority community here as much of our civic art downtown looks like it's still the Jerome Cavanaugh administration
53:56 - $3 Billion in wealth for black homeowners. What does that mean? And the gaps to help people access or build that wealth as banks are hesitant to do smaller lending (under $100,000).
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