00:40 – Coronavirus is roaring back in Metro Detroit. Cases are skyrocketing, and unfortunately, hospitalizations are up too. Sewage testing in Macomb County shows that we may very well have more cases ahead. We get into what’s happening, as well as run down vaccine expansions in Detroit and the possibility of some districts moving back to remote learning as test positivity rates exceed 9%.

02:40 – The old warehouse with the Boblo Boat sign will be demolished as part of a bigger deal. More: https://www.dbusiness.com/daily-news/moroun-family-and-port-authority-end-master-agreement-boblo-building-to-be-demolished/

03:20 – Road improvements are coming as part of massive $3.5 billion bonding issue. We cover some top level things over the next couple of years, but here’s the map to dig in yourself: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/3aebfdf9166a47c9ac53caed4b106e04

04:55 – The University of Michigan beat LSU to make it to the Sweet 16. We were going to talk about it with Fletcher, but he’s come down with COVID-19. So instead, we’ll have the conversation we recorded before the game covering the Pistons, a proposal to rename Brush Street after Matt Stafford, and what Detroit City FC is up to. 

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