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“The measure of a news service is its performance during a crisis. Thank you for showing up, and continuing to bring the goods, and all your humanity. Hands up from across the county line.”

– April

“Never before has independent local coverage been so important. This podcast does it as well as large news organizations, and adds their own engaging style.”

– Matt

“Thanks for your excellent coverage! Daily Detroit is part of my morning routine and as a lifelong metro area resident I appreciate your focus.”

– Jessica

“Great daily news podcast! These guys are on to something. If you appreciate rational conversation and analysis on issues that are local and beyond then you’ve found the right podcast.”

– TS2323

“Detroit FOMO Cure. If you’re like me and love little tidbits of what’s going on around this great city and a little bit of tasteful banter, this is what you’ve been looking for. Daily tidbit podcasts are my jam.”

– CapnThad

“Smart, focused on our region, and gives context to what’s happening here. It gets past it bleeds-it-leads and actually helps you understand this place and where you fit in it. It’s local news for people who can’t stand sensationalized local news.”

– Dave

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SPJ Excellence In Journalism award-winning work from Daily Detroit