A jam-packed show for you today.

Comedian, Actor and Impersonator Dave Coulier is returning to his roots and moving back to Metro Detroit. More at Hour here.

KMart is closing all but three of their Michigan stores, as an era draws to a close for the once mighty retailer created in Detroit.

A new salon called “Hair.” is opening in the Fisher Building. We talk with lead stylist and owner Jenna Drudi.

High-end Detroit restaurant staple Cuisine has a new, very blue facade.

American Idol is doing auditions right here in Detroit. Sign up, future stars and starlets.

A restaurant named after a Norse goddess is coming to Detroit’s Milwaukee Junction.

The Elton. Photo: Nadir Ali

The Elton has opened in Corktown at Michigan & Trumbull.

Sven Gustafson (Daily Detroit), Jordan Hoffman (PARC), Steve Wilke (Editor, Hour Magazine)

And finally, Detroit journalist and longtime Hour Editor Steve Wilke has died at the age of 61. We remember him and play a clip from an interview we did with him about the role of newspapers and magazines.

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