Detroit’s Amazon HQ2 pitch video that came out a few weeks ago may have just been the best of them all.

Here’s a link to the Detroit bid video if you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t seen it, or a need a refresher.

The praise was given by Beme News in their latest roundup of HQ2 bids in a piece that talks about the huge incentives and pitch videos for the massive complex that would, if all goes according to plan, bring 50,000 jobs to whatever metro area it chooses.

The nod starts at about 2 minutes 23 seconds in.

“Detroit, in a video that’s production quality far surpasses this one, submitted the most polished, professional, give these guys an Oscar piece.”

The Beme News video (embedded above) takes a balanced look at the benefits and pitfalls of such a large project coming to a town, as well as the billions of dollars of incentives on the table.

Now, as to the director/producer/creator of the Detroit bid video, Stephen McGee? We think you’re the best around.