The city of Detroit has been watched closely by those interested and involved in the cannabis industry.

Due to the city’s size and voters overwhelming approval of recreational marijuana – almost 70 percent of residents were behind it in 2018 – The Motor City will almost assuredly become the hub of recreational weed in Michigan.

But the city has taken awhile to draw up local rules, getting a proposed ordinance together just this week.

So what is on the table?

And how does it aim to ensure Detroiters, many of whom were prosecuted through the war on drugs, have a shot at the financial benefits?

My guest to dive in on this is Detroit city councilman James Tate. He represents District One on Detroit’s West Side. He’s been the lead on this citywide project.

After that, I’ll share a couple quick things to know today, as Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and Representative Rashida Tlaib are looking into whether the U.S. Census willfully undercounted Detroit; and details the Meijer-owned specialty market going up in the Lafayette Park neighborhood.

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