Champions Day? What? OK, I totally understand you might be wondering what I might be talking about, so let me fill you in.

It’s a real thing.

After the success of the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Lions, and Detroit Red Wings all winning their first championships, Governor Frank Fitzgerald dedicated April 18, 1936 Champions Day for the state of Michigan.

The Detroit City Council then dedicated April 18th as Champions Day for the City of Detroit.

Governor Fitzgerald wanted the people of Michigan “to pay tribute to the heroes of the sport world who have brought honor and glory to the State and Detroit.”

Champions Week started three years ago as a way to celebrate Champions Day. This year Champions Week started off with a gala for the Autism Alliance of Michigan. The benefit raised over $25,000 for Autism.

There are still three more events going on during Champions Week if you are interested in celebrating Michigan athletes and sports teams. Check them out down below.

Monday April 18, 2016 — Champions Day History Lesson

Tonight at the Detroit Historical Museum Charles Avison author of Detroit: City of Champions will give a presentation about the history and significance of Champions Day. You will be able to check out the original plaque that President Roosevelt and all 48 Governors signed to commemorate Champions Day, plus other sports memorabilia that is usually not on displayed. The presentation starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 Woodward, Detroit, MI.

After the presentation they will be moving over to Circa 1890 Saloon to continue the Champions Day celebrations. Circa 1890 Saloon is located at 5474 Cass Ave, Detroit, MI 48202.

Thursday April 21, 2016 — Champions Week Fowling Tournament

If you want something to do on Thursday night, head over to the Fowling Warehouse in Hamtramck for the Champions Week Fowling Tournament. The tournament starts at 6:30 p.m. and continues until 9:30 p.m. Register in teams of two or three for this fun tournament. Never heard of fowling? It is a mixture of football, bowling, and horseshoes.

It is a 21 and over event and it is $10 per person to fowl. The Fowling Warehouse is located at 3901 Christopher Street, Hamtramck, Michigan 48211.

Saturday April 23, 2016 — The Chug-A-Lug

The final event for Champions Week takes participants on a five mile run through the city. Along the way runners will stop at five bars for a beer. The run starts at McShanes in Corktown at 1 p.m. and will end at Bookies downtown around 5:45 p.m.

Here are some things you need to know for the run:

  • It is a 21 and over event so make sure you bring your valid ID.
  • Bring your cash, so transactions at the bar are quick and easy.
  • Each bar stop will be 30 minutes, and there is roughly a mile to a mile and a half between each stop. Be sure to stay hydrated!
  • This is a fun run, so there will be no winners. It is just a way to get out and celebrate Champions Week.

One more thing; wear your favorite Detroit jersey, T-shirt, or costume that shoes what you love about the city.