What do big name companies look for when it comes to locating in Detroit?

Last week at the Mackinac Policy Conference Jeremiah sat down with Kevin Bopp, the Vice President of Parking and Mobility for Bedrock.

You might already know this, but parking is a huge commodity in downtown Detroit.

Bedrock manages between more than 20 garages and lots in the city. That breaks down to more than 19,000 parking spaces.

They also transport team members and tenants between their properties and parking around downtown.

The conversation also touch on what companies look for when they consider moving to Detroit. Here’s a hint: A big one is  transit.

“They (companies) are demanding it. If they don’t see a viable solution and it’s not an either or for both parking and creative approaches to transit moving forward — I don’t think that Detroit will continue to attract the types of organizations it has of late,” said Bopp. “Having said that, I think that there is a clear commitment from other corporate stakeholders as well as plenty public facing personalities and entities to continue the sea change that has started.”

This interview originally aired on the Daily Detroit News Byte.