Some good news when it comes the employment prospects within the Metro Detroit area, and with this map, you can visualize it. In raw numbers, it’s not as high as say New York or Los Angeles, but positive news nonetheless.

The White House recently released a statement that unemployment has reached 4.9% and that across the past two years, businesses in the United States have added more jobs than any time since the 1990s.

Cost-estimating website used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to create a three-dimensional representation of the number of jobs added by metro area.

Our Detroit-Dearborn-Warren Metropolitan Statistical Area fares well, with approximately 1,968,100 non-farm payroll jobs in the region, up 39,600 (or 2.1%) from 2014-2015.


In terms of growth rate, Idaho Falls, Idaho. was tops in the country at 4.5%. The heart of Silicon Valley posted an increase of 4.4%. Overall, the number of jobs grew in 280 of the 286 metro areas across the United States.

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