The Knight Foundation is increasing its commitment to the arts in Detroit by renewing one of it’s signature programs in the city, the Knight Arts Challenge, for an additional three years. That’s a $9 million investment.

Over the last three years more 3,500 ideas been submitted to the program, with 114 of them getting funding. $3 million per year is awarded under the program.

Started in 2012, by design the Knights Arts Challenge supports “artistically excellent cultural experiences that contribute to a sense of place and community identity; to support innovative ways to reach, engage and increase audiences for the arts; and, to seed the ongoing growth of the cultural ecosystem by supporting arts at a grassroots level.”

Some of the notable funded projects have been Nick Cave’s Hear Here; Olayami Dabls’ MBAD African Bead Museum; and many more.

Also interesting about this grant is that you must also find other funding that matches the grant within a year of receiving it. This year’s winners will be announced tomorrow – Monday, Nov. 9.