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On our latest podcast:

  • Former Governor John Engler is indeed out as interim president of Michigan State University. Replacing him will be Satish Udpa.
  • The United Auto Workers says it plans to stage a candlelight vigil outside the North American International Auto Show tomorrow night during the Charity Preview event.
  • A giant golden ring has been installed in Sterling Heights on Hall Road near Schoenherr as part of a beautification project.
  • Detroit’s oldest drinking establishment got some national love today. The Two Way Inn on Mt. Elliott in Detroit was just named the Best Dive Bar in the country for the 2019 Nightclub & Bar Awards.
  • One of Detroit’s Tiki Bars, Lost River, has taken a top spot nationally in Yelp’s ranking of the kitschy (but fun) genre.
  • This weekend kicks off the first Michigan Central Station Winter Festival. It will run Friday, January 18 until Sunday, January 27.
  • If you’re looking for something fun to do that will have a positive impact on projects in Detroit….. you really need to get to Detroit SOUP this Sunday night.
  • Also happening Sunday is Back Alley Bikes’ 7th annual Bike the Blizzard bike-a-thon fundraiser. It runs from midnight to midnight.
  • It’s going to be cold this weekend!

Also, here’s that video of the new ring in Sterling Heights.