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On your Daily Detroit: Technology expert Tom Lawrence joins me to cut through the clutter on a move by AT&T to no longer offer DSL service. It has a pretty big impact here in Michigan as their alternate service – Fiber – isn’t available to most of their homes. And considering everyone’s working from home, schooling from home, it puts a number of communities at a big disadvantage.

Ars Technica story:

Link to study:

But to get started, I’ll update you on a few stories around town.

We update on COVID numbers. 

MLive’s story on government bodies not sure if they need to meet in person:

Free COVID-19 testing is this weekend in Dearborn Heights.

Teachers in the Detroit Public Schools Community District ratified a new contract with pay raises.

A Muslim woman is suing the Michigan Department of Corrections and the city of Detroit over having to remove her headscarf when being booked.

Two violent incidents Tuesday night in Greektown are concerning. Via WXYZ: and via Detroit News:

And out the door fun – are Junior Mints the ultimate Halloween candy in Michigan? And wither the Candy Corn?

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