Three segments today:

First, local Coronavirus news. Cases are up – something to watch. Gyms are angry they can’t open, the DIA is reopening, a local drive-in movie theater takes top spot in the nation, and the city of Detroit is going to crack down on n’er do wells when it comes to bars and restaurants.

And if you didn’t know, you do have a higher chance of dying from COVID-19 than a shark attack in Michigan. You’ll have to listen to hear that absurd claim from a local Crossfit gym a listener sent us.

Then, Eater Detroit’s Brenna Houck joins us to talk about progress with To-Go cocktails as well as how restaurants are dealing with the Coronavirus and masks.

Pieces discussed:

Michigan Legislature Passes Bill Paving the Way for To-Go Cocktails:

Coronavirus Cases Tied to Michigan Bar Are a Reminder of the Risks of Pandemic Dining:

Finally, Nina Thekdi from Varnum talks about the impact of President Donald Trump’s quick ban on H1B and some other visas, and how that’s going hurt Metro Detroit’s economy; especially since no alternative plans or supports were put into place.

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