On your Daily Detroit for Friday, February 19, 2021:

00:37 Michigan’s marijuana industry has skyrocketed, with more people employed in the cannabis industry than police; and roughly as many as there are auto mechanics. 

03:23 There’s new leadership at the QLINE, and it’s a familiar face to Daily Detroit listeners. What are the challenges ahead and when will it get back on the rails?

08:01 Fernando Pallazuelo is falling futher behind at the Packard Plant. His plans were sky high from the beginning, but never found enough funding. We discuss this from earlier this week: https://www.crainsdetroit.com/real-estate/packard-plant-owner-said-he-would-pay-hundreds-thousands-late-taxes-end-2020-he-hasnt

12:07 Onassis Coney Island in Corktown has closed. What’s next? And Corktown changed alot in decade – including becoming less, well, Irish among other things.

14:57 There’s a new speakeasy in town called The Shelby

16:44 Restaurant openings have slowed during the pandemic

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