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Dan Gilbert Is Bringing Fiber Internet To Detroit: Meet Rocket Fiber

One of the biggest names in Detroit, not to mention the larger development and home loan business, is now in the internet business. Today, via Twitter, Dan Gilbert announced Rocket Fiber. Yesterday, we reported that Quicken Loans had a job posting that pointed toward building a fiber internet service, as well as put together a few clues around what’s been happening. Gilbert, via Twitter, says that in a few weeks that more details will be revealed and that it will be “Fast as Google or faster...

Why Google Fiber Should Come to Detroit

Last week there was an announcement that Google Fiber was going to roll out to four new cities. Those are Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville and Raleigh-Durham, all part of an expanding tech corridor in the south. However, very obviously missing from the map is the entire Midwest, including Detroit. With self-described speeds up to 100x the speed of the average broadband connection in the United States, any cities who get this service are at an economic and educational advantage in a variety of way...

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