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PODCAST: A Real Conversation About Entrepreneurship In Detroit With Ned Staebler, CEO Of Techtown

[smart_track_player url=”″ download=”true” social_gplus=”false” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” twitter_username=”TheDailyDetroit” ] Ned Staebler is the kind of guy who will tell it to you how it sees it and has experience in the trenches to back it up. In this episode of the Daily Detroit Happy Hour Podcast, Sven Gustafson met up with him at Techtown where he is CEO to get a beat on what’s actuall...

Let's Get Digital: 4 Tips For Small Business Success In Detroit

Last night, when most Detroiters were fighting traffic down I-75, a handful of Detroit entrepreneurs came together at Get Your Business On The Map With Google. Hosted by Techtown and B4B Connect, a small business initiative of the Detroit Regional Chamber at the Ford Resource and Engagement Center, the entrepreneurs made the fight for the type of traffic that can make or break a small business … Google traffic. Small businesses need Google to direct customers to their website. The key to harne...

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