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On today’s pod, we cover a bunch of transportation-related news. First up: Rivian, the electric vehicle startup we’ve covered in a Detroit Public Television segment and on this pod, may get a big investment from Amazon and General Motors. We discuss how that could be a huge boost for the company as it eyes the launch of its first vehicle in fall 2020. But what does it say about GM and Amazon?

Next, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan was in Lansing today to talk auto insurance reform. As a reminder, Michigan has the nation’s most expensive car insurance. Republicans have signaled the issue as a priority for the current legislative session, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signaled an openness to working on it. As a refresher, check out our interview with Steven Gursten of Michigan Auto Law a while back on the state’s no-fault law and Duggan’s lawsuit.

Completing our transportation trifecta was Gov. Whitmer’s discussion of the need to “fix the damn roads” in last night’s State of the State address, her first. Republicans are even starting to come around to the idea that more revenue may be needed to fix our dismal roads and bridges. Could toll roads be one solution?

Whitmer also discussed wanting to strengthen civil rights protections for gay and transgender people in her SOTS speech, and she targeted the practice of making controversial legislation referendum-proof. We talk about both of those proposals.

In other news:

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