On today’s show, we talk about those glowing lights from Canada, where they’re from, and their impact on migratory birds with Brian Allnutt of Planety Detroit.

Before we do that, Jer updates you on a few things to know around town.

00:34 There’s a pandemic update, including vaccination rates in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties.

01:33 A number of well-known Detroit restaurants were cited for allowing indoor dining by the city.

02:00 238 Black Lives Matter protestors had their charges dropped, but the Detroit City Council also authorized $200,000 to fund lawyers for a countersuit against Detroit Will Breathe, who organized the protests.

02:49 There’s a new candidate in the race for mayor of Detroit, Anthony Adams. For voter information purposes, here is his campaign website: https://anthonyadamsformayor.com/

03:48 Remember Melissa Carone? She made national news by testifying next to Rudy Giuliani sharing baseless accusations of mass election fraud in the city of Detroit. Well, she announced she’s running for the Michigan State House in 2022 in the 46th district as a Republican. That’s in northern Oakland County. However, as a note – districts are being redrawn by a non-partisan commission and we’ll know who is in what districts in November.

05:28 Our feature conversation is with Brian Allnutt of Planet Detroit. It’s around this great article, “Detroit’s midnight sun: How Canadian greenhouses could endanger Detroit River migratory birds.” Read more: https://planetdetroit.org/2021/01/detroits-southern-lights-how-canadian-greenhouses-could-endanger-detroit-river-migratory-birds/

Follow Brian on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/AllnuttBrian

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