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The New Year is a great time to take inventory of what we’ve done and where we’re headed, and I like to talk to Dennis Archer Jr.,the CEO of Ignition Media Group and the president of Archer Corporate Services ahead of the Detroit Policy Conference that’s coming up this Wednesday, January 29.

We touch on a variety of topics including transit, education, development, the focus going forward on the neighborhoods, and why Archer doesn’t like the word “comeback” when it comes to Detroit.

Archer is also the chair of the conference, with speakers like Dug Song, who has gotten more visibly involved in policy and such since selling his company, Duo Security, to Cisco. Actor Hill Harper, who owns the Roasting Plant in downtown Detroit and bought a house in the city.

The suburbs are in, too. Oakland County Executive David Coulter is speaking. A statewide perspective from Lieutenant-Governor Garlin Gilchrist.

I could go on, but here’s a link to everything if you want to know more or want to go.

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