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On this edition of your Daily Detroit, we’re checking in on what’s new in the historic and beautiful Woodbridge neighborhood.

it’s one of the city’s older neighborhoods, with people moving in starting in the 1870s.

It’s named after William Woodbridge. he was the Governor of Michigan from 1840-1841 and much of the neighborhood sits on what used to be his farm.

It’s located near Grand River, Wayne State University, Midtown and is a great position to benefit from Detroit’s resurgence. It contains some of the best examples of turn of early 1900s homes in the city and an eclectic mix of dedicated residents.

In recent years it’s gotten new restaurants and is dealing with the impacts, both good and bad, of skyrocketing property values.

To talk about it, our guest is Angie Gaabo, the Executive Director of Woodbridge Neighborhood Development.

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