“The Lions need a new owner,” says Jeff Tarnowski.

The 34-year-old business student and native of Hartland says that’s why he started a GoFundMe page to acquire enough capital to purchase the Detroit Lions from the Ford Family, who have held it since they assumed full control in 1964.

One of the more recent estimates puts the Lions’ value at $1.44 billion. As of this writing, Tarnowski has raised $1,175.

“I’m not going to rant, we all know the situation. Somebody needs to do something about this monstrosity. I am willing to make that sacrifice for all of you before this Honolulu Blue blood is no longer inherited by our offspring,” said Tarnowski on his page.

If the page falls short, the money will go to charity. He’s taking suggestions to help charities focus on the city and youth at letsbuythelions@gmail.com — but his first idea was to help Matt Stafford with the Lipke Recreation Center.

This crowdfunding campaign is on the heels on another hilarious attempt to help fix Detroit’s football woes though a petition on whitehouse.gov asking the Obama administration to revoke the Lions passports so they can’t return to the United States after the game this week in London. That effort current has 349 of the 10,000 signatures to be considered by the White House.