Due to news, our schedule gets flipped around. Devon O'Reilly joins in on a Thursday to talk about a couple of stories around town and a couple of places we've been.

Where we've been:

Devon went to check out the Detroit Vinyl Society, a new spot in Detroit's Paradise Valley and has some thoughts.

Jer went to Cafe Noir in Detroit's North End.

News stories:

The city of Detroit gained 1,852 people last year, according to the latest Census estimate. that's the first time since the 1950s that the city has not lost population. It's a bit of an emotional win.

What's next for Fairlane Town Center? A recent article raises questions about current owners and its future.

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Or wherever you listen to shows. Please be gentle as this is our first foray into video after more than 1,400 episodes as an audio only podcast and there's still things to be worked out and improved on. Not every episode will be full video like this, we're still figuring it out and how much people respond to this vs. the audio only clips. If you want to see the video version: https://youtu.be/B5m5H2lBZ2c?si=-zRfaVZgXmq6JdtH

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