But they didn’t endorse the Democrat Hillary Clinton, either.

The Detroit News, long known as the conservative-leaning newspaper as far as politics in this town, decided to throw their support behind Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee for president. It’s the first time the paper has endorsed someone other than a Republican in 143 years for president.

A piece by the editorial board of the paper led by Nolan Finley outlines that Trump “isn’t a conservative.”

From his protectionist position on trade to his penchant for buying votes with high-price new social programs to his soft spot for hiking taxes, Trump does not meet any true conservative standards.

Except, of course, of those who wrongly e­quate conservatism with racism, sexism and xenophobia. Trump has attracted support from too many of those who represent the worst of human nature.

Also, they highlight Johnson’s open immigration stance.

“Make available to anyone who wants to come into this country a work visa,” Johnson says. “And a work visa should entail a background check and a social security card so that applicable taxes get paid. Don’t put the government in charge of quotas. That’s one of the reasons for 11 million undocumented workers.”

The Detroit News joins the Caledonian-Record, New Hampshire Union Leader, Richmond Times-Dispatch and Winston-Salem Journal in supporting Johnson as well as entertainers like Drew Carey, Penn & Teller, Joe Rogan, and Melissa Joan Hart.

If there was any doubt there’s a battle for the soul of what being a Republican means, an endorsement by Finley & crew makes it clear that conservatism has a major split on their hands.

Detroit’s a region that has felt a lot of effects of the economic changes in this country. What are your thoughts? Who are you backing for president, Daily Detroit readers?