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This update edition of the Daily Detroit podcast for April 9, 2019 includes…

  • The city of Detroit’s Office of the Inspector General is opening an investigation of the Mayor and city officials after a Freep report that says a charity got preference. The city and Wayne State University strongly push back on the newspaper’s report. The city calls it “completely false.”
  • Two people have pled guilty (when we recorded this, they were charged) as part of a Federal investigation into the Detroit Demolition program. The feds say they took bribes. [DetNews] [ClickOnDetroit]
  • Self-driving cars have been overhyped and a lot longer off, says Ford’s CEO [Bloomberg]
  • There’s a new report looking at if Flying cars are good for the environment
  • A newly updated map shows Detroit’s bike lane expansion and more [Detroit Greenways]
  • Parson’s Chicken and Fish will head to Frame Friday and Saturday for special dinners with Executive Chef Hunter Moore. There will be frozen Negroni Slushes [Daily Detroit]

Thanks for listening!