On Woodward Avenue, millions are being spent installing a state of the art streetcar system. Over on Michigan less than a mile away, they’re about to re-bury streetcar tracks that have sat under the streets for decades since the trolleys left Detroit in 1956.


Every once in awhile in the city you’ll see a road repair project that, for a few days or a week, reveals part of Detroit’s history. One of these times is right now in Detroit’s historic Corktown district. The road even has sections of its brick pavers left, adding a nice touch the neighborhood (when they’re taken care of).

Looking at Michigan and Trumbull, the corner of the old Tiger Stadium
Looking at Michigan and Trumbull, the corner of the old Tiger Stadium

We’re told it’s run of the mill resurfacing work on Michigan Avenue (a major road that sorely needs it). The rails aren’t pulled up as it’d be expensive, and they’re not going to go anywhere as nearly 60 years of traffic hasn’t moved them. The rail bed seems to be in good shape, as well. Note that it’s actually two sets of tracks you see, not one.


As much as streetcars rolling down Michigan again would be awesome, it’s currently not in the cards. But one can dare to dream.