8 Mile Boulevard Association2

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PODCAST: Beyond The Myths Of 8 Mile With Cindy Thomas And Anna Schroen Of The 8 Mile Boulevard Association

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/dailydetroithappyhour/DD-6Happy-Hour-8Mile_mixdown.mp3″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ] Subscribe for free in iTunes There’s a lot of myth around Detroit’s 8 Mile. From being featured in Eminem’s movie of the same name, to being a “border street” between the city and suburbs, there’s more nuance and more going on than people might assume along the 27 mile stretch that th...

Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Prepares For A Week of Caring

It’s easy for companies to pay lip service when it comes to strengthening and enhancing their communities. It’s another thing entirely for them to actually commit to making a difference, especially where it counts. For the third year in a row, Mercedes-Benz Financial Services will send more than 500 volunteers into the community to participate in a number of different service projects. This Week of Caring runs from Sept. 21-25, and it aims to strengthen Metro Detroit’s community in the areas o...

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