Motor Burger2

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5 Must Try Restaurants In Windsor, According To A Canadian

This is first in a series of posts contributed as in-kind partnership with WindsorEats, who have been covering the food and drink scene in Windsor and Essex County since 2004. They believe that Windsor and Essex County has some of the best restaurants in Canada and the world, and we think as our neighbors, it’s important to highlight what’s happening on the other side of the river. Daily Detroit will also be contributing pieces to their site. The restaurant landscape in Windsor is constantly c...

Obscure Historical Beer Resurfaces At Batch Brewing Company and Motor Craft Ales

Have you ever heard of a beer called the Kentucky Common? Neither did Corktown nanobrewery Batch Brewing Company when they set out to collaborate with Windsor nanobrewery Motor Craft Ales. The collaboration resulted in their spin on the Kentucky Common, the Canucky Common, which was launched this Monday. Motor Burger owner Gino Gesuale said the collaboration is the “first of many to come.” Motor Burger is where Motor Craft Ales is sold. The Kentucky Common is rich, dark, and malty. It has a...

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