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Welcome back to the week! On today’s podcast:

  • The UAW and Fiat Chrysler have a tentative deal, meaning 7,900 more jobs and an additional $4.5 billion in investment.
  • The Palace of Auburn Hills is being demolished.
  • Trenton Mayor Kyle Stack has died.
  • Beaumont Hospital has brought back their Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams. Register here to join.
  • The first day of recreational marijuana sales has come and gone, here are the numbers.
  • Downtown Hamtramck has free parking for the holidays, we talk about a few of our favorite stops.
  • Montgomery, Alabama honors Rosa Parks with a statue downtown. Why don’t we have one? She moved here in 1957, after all.

And Starr Allen-Pettway from Bethany Christian Services joins us to talk about the critical need for more foster homes, especially in Detroit. There are just two that are registered, and keeping kids near things they know is important.

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