It’s over. That’s right, after months and months, Detroit has emerged from bankruptcy protection. There’s going to be much discussion in the weeks to come, but one thing is clear – the hard work is only beginning. It’s up to us Detroiters to make sure we not only never get there again, but also ensure that Detroit makes a true comeback. No one is going to do the work for us.

I’ve also included links to various other interesting items that aren’t the bankruptcy … because if anything, the bankruptcy proved life will go on.

First, if you want the inside story on the bankruptcy, check out this well-done long form piece from the Free Press. My favorite anecdote is the race to file paperwork … one side, the unions, driving an old Saturn Vue to Lansing to get a stay to hold off them bankruptcy vs. the city using the PACER online filing system to file bankruptcy.  And the Saturn the union officials were driving? It overheated on the way to Lansing. Think about that for a second.. it’s possible the whole process could of been stopped or slowed down if just the car didn’t overheat. [Freep]

Some people aren’t so celebratory about clearing bankruptcy. Macomb County exec Mark Hackel seems to feel the new Great Lakes Water Authority, which replaces the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department for control of the regional water system, was “forced” on the suburbs. In the deal, Detroit will lease infrastructure to suburban communities in exchange for a $50 million annual fee. [Macomb Daily]

The new Punch Bowl Social is slated to open December 10, and they’re hiring. It’ll be 24,000 square feet.. or larger than the Whole Foods in midtown. [Detroit News]

They’re little. They’re free. And they’re libraries. Meet the Little Free Library. [DetroitUnspun]

Ever wonder about that Water Works Park on the east side? WDET has a very cool look back into what Detroit’s Water Works Park was and is today. It offered a lot more than water – at one point 110 acres of green space. [WDET]

If you wanted to get into the apartment game, here are 16 apartments in an up-and-coming area. The building in West Village was built in 1924 and the whole thing can be yours for $600,000. [Curbed Detroit]

Who has the best public school teachers in Metro Detroit? The rankings are out. The top five districts in the Metro Detroit area the Bloomfield Hills School District, the Grosse Pointe Public Schools, the Novi Community School District, the Birmingham City School District, and the Rochester Community School District. More here. [Niche]

Here’s an interesting read from a young woman who recently moved to Detroit … including the idea that you can make it in Detroit without a car (at least if you live downtown). [Huffington Post]

Gold Cash Gold is on the way to becoming a reality. Eater has a little look into the preparations for what’s sure to be one of Corktown’s hottest spots with chef Josh Stockton and managing partner Eli Boyer. [Eater Detroit]

And with that, have a great week!