What to know and where to go in Metro Detroit

Transit is getting even worse in Detroit

Detroit’s bus service is a hot mess right now. From not enough drivers, to late performance, to contract negotiations that seem to be in the he said / she said stage…. plus, there’s expansion plans on the horizon that sound good, but it’s not clear how they’re...

It's Pumpkin Spice season

Fall is upon us as it is now, in fact, Pumpkin Spice Latte season. Devon O’Reilly tries his first pumpkin spice anything.  01:27 It’s Pumpkin Spice season, and longtime listeners of the show know that we love our indie coffee shops. Devon tries his first pumpkin spice...

Comedian and actor Paul Elia

Paul Elia is all about his hometown, so much so that he’s recording his upcoming special at the Detroit House of Comedy. We talk about what it’s like to be in LA, why his mom got a Matt Rife shirt, the idea of Falafel coneys, what he misses,...

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